Jannik Rabe
Kunst / Entertainment / Verlagswesen
Über Jannik Rabe:
passion fueled Linear TV Planner out of Generation Y ~ creative thinker with out of the box visions ~ ambitios team player with hands on mentality
Since 2016 work-based @ ServusTV - Red Bull Media | Salzburg (Austria)
Erleben Sie
Since 2016 → Linear Shortterm Planner @ ServusTV
Sept. - Dec. 2015 → Internship @ farb.film - Magdeburg, Germany | video production agency, image movies, commercial clips & business content creation
Apr. - Aug 2015 → student assistant @ Otto von Guericke University - Magdeburg, Germany | assistant of study course management, training material documentation, concept creation for marketing action aiming at study course application
More detailed information will be provided as CV
Aug. 2018 → Bachelor of Arts Degree “Journalistik/Medienmanagement” | FH Magdeburg-Stendal
Jun. 2011 → Advanched technical college entrance qualification Degree | Karl-Kübel-Schule Bensheim